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Wesmar Auxiliary Propulsion Unit

A back up auxiliary propulsion unit for emergencies and piece of mind cruising.

A back up auxiliary propulsion unit for emergencies and piece of mind cruising.

WESMAR's unique Auxiliary Propulsion Unit (APU) uses hydraulic power sourced from the ship's generator to drive the propeller shaft providing back-up if the main engine is lost due to fuel contamination or mechanical failure.

Hydraulically powered by your vessel's generator or stand-alone engine, the APU allows fuel efficient extended operation, providing the ability to bring your vessel safely to port and avoid costly towing or worse - damage to the boat. Simplicity and practicality are the focus of this auxiliary system.

The compact, rugged design of the WESMAR's APU ensures reliability. Its robust, corrosion-resistant construction means it will be ready and waiting in the event that it is needed. As with all WESMAR products, the APU is built of the most durable materials to ensure a long life.

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